Mistall Monthly - May 2023
- ChargePoint
is Occupancy Data
- New!
HONK Mobile Integration
- Mistall
at IPMI - Booth 813
- Something
ChargePoint Data is Occupancy Data
Mistall retrieves your EV
transactions in real-time from ChargePoint and
converts them into occupancy data. Each transaction includes a
start and end time, stall location and other data points. Add
your EV transactions to your other occupancy data in Mistall, or just
use it to measure EV utilization, provide guidance to your parkers, or
directed enforcement.
New! HONK Mobile Integration
It's official - like our
other popular Mobile Payment integrations, Mistall transforms HONK Mobile
payment transactions into Paid Occupancy data. Show HONK data
standalone or mix it with other occupancy, for data insights, guidance
or directed enforcement.
Mistall at IPMI - Booth 813
The International Parking
and Mobility Institute holds the largest parking conference and expo in
North America, attracting several thousand Parking Professionals and
Vendors each year. It's also a showcase for the latest technology
and solutions. Visit Blake and Franklin at Booth 813 and
see how you can aggregate all your occupancy together to make your
organization even better.
Parking for overweight grillers
Stone Church Rd. Ste 343, Hamilton, ON, L9K1S4, Canada