Parking Guidance

Help Your Parkers Find Parking

All your data in the Mistall Platform, whether it comes from Mistall Stall Counter or Zone Counter cameras or from your Mistall Ecosystem, can be made available to occupancy and guidance signs, the Mistall mPark guidance web app, and other systems and solutions through Mistall API’s.  

Parking Guidance with Signs

The Mistall Platform can push real-time occupancy and availability directly to signs.  Mistall works with existing sign hardware, or we can provide you with signage from our partners.  The Mistall Platform supports several sign manufacturers out of the box, including “drop in” insert signs, static LED signs, and matrix signs.

Parking Guidance with mPark

Mistall can share real-time parking availability with your parkers through mPark, a mobile-optimized web app.  You have complete control over which parking locations that you let your parkers see, and you can provide supplementary information to parkers for pricing, regulations, capacity, and more.  Optionally you can add links for payment systems and directions through Google Maps.  Configuration is done in Mistall, no programming skills are needed.  

All your Mistall data – including the data from third-party sources in your Mistall Ecosystem is available to parkers if you choose to share it.

iPhone App

mPark is a mobile-optimized website designed for the smartphone screen.  It provides parking availability on any mobile-browser (no download required).  Configurable features include:

  • Complete control over which locations are available, including third-party data.
  • Show lots in the order you want your parkers to see them.
  • Provide an indicator of the age of the data (example: updated 3 minutes ago).
  • Set green, yellow and red status for availability (parking available, parking filling up, parking full).
  • “Take Me There” button uses Google Maps to provide driving directions to the lot.
  • “Pay Now” button links to your mobile payment application(s).
  • Optional histogram shows predictive availability based on past occupancy.
  • Temporary status indicator such as Location Closed

Parking Guidance with Frames

Mistall allows you to display your availability data in HTML and other formats.  We’ll help you create some design Frames to “drop in” to your HTML display (website, smart TV, industrial sign, …).  Feel free to design your own output, Frames are super flexible. 

Parking Guidance with Mistall API

Mistall provides a set of modern Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow parking organizations the ability to extract data for various purposes such as reporting and analytics, availability information to their web pages or mobile applications, and more.  API access is available to all customers, along with documentation and sample source code.